Local Statistics

  • Breast cancer has become the most common cancer affecting women in Hong Kong since 1994
  • Over the past thirty-one years, the number of breast cancer cases among women in Hong Kong has significantly increased. In 2022, the number of women diagnosed with invasive breast cancer was nearly five times higher than in 1991.
  • In 2022, for the first time, breast cancer (including male breast cancer) surpassed colorectal cancer to become the second most common cancer in Hong Kong.
  • The median age of breast cancer patients was 58 in Hong Kong, compared with the age of 63 in the United States, 62.8 in Australia.
  • Lifetime breast cancer risk for females is 1 in every 14. Over 94% of breast cancer patients are over 40 years of age. The older, the higher the risk.
  • Young people are not immune from the disease. The youngest case reported was below 25 years old.