Pink Partners

The Pink Partner initiative is a year-round programme that provides a platform for corporations and organisations to engage and contribute, at the same time creating an opportunity for new and creative marketing campaigns.  The HKBCF thanks all the participating companies for their generosity and continuous support of our support services to the local community.



Pink Partners should commit to a minimum donation of HK$20,000



There are five categories of Pink Partner:



Amount of Donation (HKD)

Pink Diamond Partner

500,001 or above

Pink Sapphire Partner

200,001 to 500,000

Pink Pearl Partner

100,001 to 200,000

Pink Crystal Partner

50,001 to 100,000

Pink Ribbon Partner

20,000 to 50,000


Campaign details:

  • Use the title “HKBCF Pink Partner” within the period of validality
  • Use the name and logo of the HKBCF on related communications to promote the specific charity campaign (*subject to HKBCF’s approval prior to publication)
  • Address the HKBCF as the beneficiary charity of the campaign
  • Partnership will be acknowledged on the HKBCF website, newsletter and annual report
  • To be nominated as Caring Company (the organisation/company must fulfill other requirements of the Caring Company Scheme [add link:])


Please contact our Development Team by telephone at 2525 6033 or via email at to learn more about our Pink Partner programme.


*HKBCF does not endorse or promote any products, services or information provided by our Pink Partners in these campaigns/ activities. We encourage consumers to ask critical questions before buying products/ services supporting breast cancer.