Hong Kong Breast Cancer Registry Reports and Bulletins

Hong Kong Breast Cancer Registry Reports


Hong Kong Breast Cancer Registry Bulletin

Issue No. Study topic(s) Publication year

Heterogeneity of de novo metastatic breast cancer

14 Mammogram Screening Saves Lives Saves Treatment Cost 2023
13 10-year survival analysis of breast cancer patients: Data from Hong Kong Breast Cancer Registry 2022
12 Use of Positron Emission Tomography (PET) local practice utilisation in preoperative staging of breast cancer 2021
11 Diagnostic efficiency of mammogram in breast cancer patients: Complementary breast ultrasound improves cancer detection in young women with dense breasts 2020
10 Chronological changes in risk exposures, detection and treatment pattern for breast cancer patients in Hong Kong over a 12-year period 2019
9 Risk Factors for Breast Cancer in Hong Kong Women: A Case-Control Study 2018
8 Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy Induces Tumour Size Reduction and Enables Breast-Conserving Surgery in Hong Kong Breast Cancer Patients 2017
7 Breast Cancer in Hong Kong Elderly Patients 2016
6 Sentinel Node Biopsy in Hong Kong Breast Cancer Patients 2015
5 Delay in medical consultation is more common in widows or non-clerical / labour workers 2014
4 A study on the differences in the cancer characteristics between self detected and screen detected patients and the treatments they received 2013
3 Impact of breast cancer by age in Hong Kong 2013
2 Socio-economic disparities in breast cancer screening practice and cancer staging in Hong Kong 2012

Study 1: Screening-detected breast cancer shows earlier stage than incidental self-detected cancer;

Study 2: Unwrapping physical and psychosocial impacts of breast cancer on Hong Kong women