Healthcare Professionals
Thank you for your interest in the HKBCR.
For the success of HKBCR, we need the support of healthcare professionals like yourself to facilitate the participation of as many breast cancer patients/ survivors as possible. Your help in making the scheme known to your patients and your encouragement for them to participate by completing the consent forms is invaluable. We would like to take this opportunity to invite you to be one of our HKBCR participating sites/ centres to facilitate the data collection from your breast cancer patients/ survivors.
Benefits to participating healthcare professionals
- Report on breast cancer in Hong Kong
It is our aim to publish an annual report on the status and development of breast cancer in Hong Kong based on the data collected. The more data we collect, the more insights and significance of the same can be realised. This report shall be published and made available for free. - Deepen your understanding of breast cancer and patients under your care
Through the joint effort between you as participating doctor and the Hong Kong Breast Cancer Foundation, the HKBCR shall provide you with an overview and aggregated analysis of patients under your care every three years. Comparison reports on your own patients versus the entire database in the HKBCR could also be obtained in the long run.
Role and responsibilities of participating doctors
Understanding the busy schedules of doctors, we have organised the scheme in such a way as to minimise the time and effort of your participation. We simply ask that you:
- Display the promotional materials about the HKBCR (posters and consent forms) at your clinic; and
- Ascertain the interest of your patients to participate in the scheme, and obtain a signed consent form from them. Included in the consent form are the questionnaires to be filled out by participating patients. We suggest that information of the HKBCR be passed to patients whilst waiting for their appointment to see you.
Your involvement
There are two channels available for collecting patients’ medical and treatment records:
- Medical data to be collected by our staff at your clinic
Once we receive consent forms from your clinic, our data officer will then liaise with you or your colleagues to start collecting data on breast cancer from patient records at your clinic, at your convenience. - Completion of questionnaire by participating doctors
If you would prefer to fill out the data records yourself (or your staff to complete the forms), you can complete the questionnaire(s) and return to us at your earliest convenience, or contact the HKBCR to collect the records from your office(s)Join the HKBCR Now!